Corporate Partnership:
Maintaining and preserving our Nation's history is a community effort and there is no better way to show your support than have your business support the mission of Battleship Cove.
Partnering with Battleship Cove honors the sacrifice of those who serve, inspires visitors about honor, integrity, and service to others, and allows for enhanced Educational and Veteran programs. Aligning your brand with Battleship Cove is a excellent way to publicize community outreach and involvement.​
Corporate Membership:
PT Boat $5,000
Submarine $7,500
Corporate membership includes guest passes, discounts on programs and events, display of your logo on our website, acknowledgement in our annual report, presentations, and more.
Helicopter $2,000
Destroyer $10,000
Battleship $25,000
Fleet Task Force $50,000
Event & Exhibit Sponsorship:
As a non-profit organization, one of our biggest challenges is to acquire the funding necessary to develop and offer new Educational and Veteran events along with the establishment of new Exhibits.
Sponsoring events and exhibits supports our educational mission, the remembrance of the sacrifice that our military personnel have provided to the United States, and provides visitors with a tremendous experience.
Please consider partnering with America's Fleet Museum. To learn more information and the details of any of our program membership or sponsorship opportunities, please send us a email or call at 508-678-1100 ext. 123!
We look forward to welcoming you aboard!